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  • It is forbidden to enter the pool area during closing hours and maintenance of the pool basin. The swimming pool is open from 9 to 20.

  •  It is strictly forbidden to bring animals into the pool area.

  • Before accessing the pool it is mandatory to take a shower and pass through the foot wash basin.

  • It is forbidden to dive into the swimming pool and access the pool with clothes on.

  • It is forbidden to introduce glass of any kind into the swimming pool area (glasses, bottles or others containers)

  • It is forbidden to consume food and drink by the pool: the consumption can be made in theareas indicated by the staff (bar area and upper terrace)

  • It is forbidden to bring mattresses, inflatables, balls and any sports equipment into the pool.

  • Children under the age of 10 must always be accompanied by a competent adultassumes responsibility.

  • Children under the age of 6 must always be accompanied by an adult whomust constantly supervise the child and assume responsibility for it.

  • Infants and children up to two years old can access the swimming pool only in the presence of a

  • adult who must constantly supervise the child and assume responsibility for it.

  • Infants and children up to two years of age must wear appropriate diapers for swimming pools, available upon request.

  • Access is not permitted to persons suffering from contagious diseases, injuries or open wounds.

  • If necessary, the Management is authorized to request the medical certificate certifying the eligibility to enter the swimming pool.

  • Guests are required to maintain a suitable and civil demeanor. Entry is prohibited people who are obviously drunk or under the influence of medicines or drugs. Staff, if it deems behavior unsuitable for the safety of the person or the other Guests, it is authorized by the Management to remove the person from the pool area.

  •  Personnel, within the scope of their duties, are required to supervise compliance with the present rules and to call the Guests where necessary to comply with them. In case of violation, the staff must immediately notify the Management for the appropriate measures.

  • The management declines any civil or penal responsibility for valuables and objects left in swimming pool and for any accidents caused by users due to failure to comply with the provisions of this regulation.

  • The sunbeds cannot be occupied by Guests who are not present with towels, bags or clothes of clothing: the staff is authorized to free the occupied workstations by removing the objects and storing them in the appropriate room.

  • No smoking inside the tub.

  •  It is recommended the use of recycling bins and the use of ashtrays in bar area.

  •  The staff and lifeguard are available for any need.


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